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Our Impact


We think it's important that you know where your Happy Sea products are coming from and how they are produced.We want to positively impact our planet and its people, with everything we do, in every aspect of our production. 

Sustainability plays such an important role in The Happy Sea and the future of our planet. We want you to feel good about what you're buying and know that you really are making a difference in each purchase you make with us. 

We have laid out our production process so you know how it goes: from us, to you. If you have any other questions, please feel free to let us know. We are always available to answer any of your concerns.

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A P P A R E L:

  • All of our apparel is manufactured in WRAP-certified facilities with newer, more efficient dye machines. We efficiently use 7x less water than average for clothing manufacturers: saving 24 million gallons a week...and that all gets recycled afterwards 
  • Our clothing facilities take every opportunity to reduce their co2 emissions through solar power, minimal electricity usage, recycling, no overseas shipping, W.R.A.P. certification and small, daily eco-friendly decisions that add up
  • WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production) is a globally recognized independent non-profit organization dedicated to promoting safe, lawful, humane and ethical manufacturing through certification and education. Companies accepted into the WRAP organization go through an extensive application process that ensures that sewn products are being produced under lawful, humane and ethical condition.
  • All of our apparel is printed in a small screen printing shop located in Outer Banks, NC. 

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P A P E R  G O O D S: 

  • All of our paper products and other products are made in America
  • The paper we use is FSC-certified, which means that for each tree it takes to print our paper products, another is planted in its place.
  • All of our cards are printed on acid-free, recycled and carbon neutral paper, and printed through a wind-posted, environmentally friendly process that creates minimal waste
  • Card envelopes are made from 100% recycled materials

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S T I C K E R S: 

  • Durable, water-resistant, long-lasting, American-made stickers
  • We want you to buy just one sticker that will last you a lifetime once it’s “stuck" 

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P A C K A G I N G: 

    • When packing boxes for shipment, we try to reuse the packaging we have from things being sent to us, or things given to us. We strive to use minimal packing materials or use recycled / repurposed supplies during our shipping process
    • All of our clear card slips are made from plants.
    • The Happy Sea is a carbon offset brand. All of our order deliveries are carbon neutral. We’re sourcing offsets from the Acapa – Bajo Mira y Frontera Forest Conservation Project in Colombia through Pachama to counteract the emissions from shipping every order.

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    D O N A T I O N S: 

    • We donate to multiple ocean conservation nonprofits throughout the year such as Orca Conservancy, Ocean Alliance, and Sea to Shore 
    • We do everything we can as a company to talk the talk and walk the walk.
      We do our best to live clean, ethical lives, and that includes eating a sustainable diet (vegetarians) and shop with low-to-zero plastic (we love our metal straws, reusable shopping bags and our reusable cups!)