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Written by: Shannon Chandra 


  1. Firstly, you never know where you’re going to be next week, next month or next year. All that is in front of you could disappear in an instant. That fresh scent of freshly cut grass, and that feeling of the sun lightly bronzing you up! Go outside today and enjoy the little things in life right now, before it’s too late as we never know what is coming. Unplug from the Internet, take a walk, and really indulge in everything. 

  2. Friends. What a great way to meet up with a few friends that you haven’t seen in so long. Whether you’re in high school or University, time has its way from escaping us. Make a day out of it! Go down to the beach or make a cute picnic, it’ll be so worth it.

  3. It is an amazing opportunity to soak in all that vitamin D and get that glowing tan! At least 30 minutes a day of that sunshine goodness and a bit of exercise will make your heart glow and you smiling the whole day. 

  4. It is also a great way to know your neighbourhood while you walk your dog or it might just be you and your music. At the beginning of 2016, I made a promise to myself that I’ll at least visit a new place once a year. Not only will you see a new place but also experience something that is totally out of your comfort zone. Get inspired!

  5. Going outside is proven to improve your memory, concentration and help your stress levels. Especially during those exam periods, where you aren’t getting enough sleep and finishing that last paragraph of the assignment that is due in an hour.


Nature offer so many benefits, that we sometimes ignore the pure beauty of it! Spending time outdoors doesn't need to turn into a massive commitment, it can be as simple as walking your dog, or just going outside to breathe some fresh air. Enjoy it!! 


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