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I have so many thoughts whirling through my head right now as I’m sitting on the floor of my moms shop pondering how the hellllz it is already July? And how the helllllz am I almost 25? And how the helllllz did we get to the point in existence to be living through an ACTUAL PANDEMIC?? I figured right now would be a good time before my 25th to take a minute to recount the things I have learned throughout the year of 24, and all of the things that I have learned throughout a pandemic…while owning a small business.

Hopefully by writing this out it will help me clear up some brain space, and maybe it’ll help me feel less alone in the weird era of time that we are living in, and maybe, maybe it’ll help you know that you aren’t alone either. (If you ever do feel alone...hit me up, we can be friends, you’ll never be alone.)


U N O: It’s okay to slow down, I literally spent 2 months quarantined in my boyfriends 1 bedroom apartment with my very very large dog Koast. 

-We didn’t kill each other, we actually got along quite amazingly: WIN!

-I drew a lot and Koast got a few extra walks each day: DOUBLE WIN! 


D O S: Going off of Uno, slowing down threw me into waves of happiness and waves of sadness. I really loved being able to play scrabble, do puzzles, & have so much time to be able to draw for happy sea, but it was a rough transition going from constantly working to almost a complete halt. A pedal to the brake, 100-0, halt. However as quarantine continued, I realized it really is okay to completely slow down, take life as it is and just be for a minute. Things will pick back up and everything will be okay. It’s completely out of your hands so just try to let it ride and think in a glass half full mentality. 


T R E S: I am an A V I D restaurant eater, and I don’t say that lightly. I love to eat out at restaurants. I love being waited on, going out with my friends, eating food that I don’t have to cook, therefore don’t have to do the dishes for…I love eating out. However with a pandemic going around, I don’t love eating from restaurants in to-go containers, it also throws off the entire vibe of getting the entire restaurant experience. The amount of plastic waste that comes from only being able to eat in to-go containers is HORRIFIC. It actually pains my soul thinking about the amount of waste happening, therefore I COOK FOOD NOW!! Hence awakening my EarthyAndy dreams of acai, vegan veggie bowls and fun smoothies. So cheers to starting off 25 with some new amateur chef dreams? 


C U A T R O: I died my hair pink for a week, I was in need of an adventure and it was either pink hair or bangs. So pink hair it was! 


C I N C O: You never know what someone is going through, and it’s really easy to compare your life to anothers. I have caught myself comparing my journey to someone else’s a few too many times this year and I. NEED. TO. STOP. 


S E I S: It feels really good getting this out of my head, if you’re reading this…thank you. I appreciate you more than you know. 


S I E T E: Speaking of appreciation, THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SUPPORTED THE HAPPY SEA THIS YEAR!! Whether it has been through a purchase, a compliment, a like, a share, it means the world and never goes unnoticed. I am truly thankful for the life I get to live through this little brand of mine and I will never have enough thank you’s in the world to say thank you enough. Thank you….again.  




N U E V E: I don’t think I have ever gone through as many tv shows, movies, dog walks, & podcasts, as I did during actual quarantine. It is a tad absurd but whateva. 


D I E Z: I am ready to run away to a tropical island, live off of mango trees, swim in the ocean all day and never return: hbu? 


I am truly grateful for this existence, and I am super stoked to celebrate 25 years of life! Socially distanced and all. I love you guys and thank you for supporting my happy sea dreams!! You’re the best, so drink a margarita... or 2…or 3 on the 11th and celebrate with me!! 

all my love, xx,


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